‘He that covers his sins shall not prosper: but whoever confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy.’ Proverbs 28:13
So let’s Say it Different!
‘Whoever attempts to hide his sins and wrong doings shall not go anywhere: but whoever owns up and tells the truth, and stops what he is doing, shall find mercy and forgiveness.’
When we are doing something wrong
we look to how we can cover it so that no one else knows what we are doing. It
is a practise that is as old as the hills! It happens in our personal life, in
business transactions, in young children as well as the oldest of adults.
The writer in Proverbs brings
sharp focus on what has become a daily habit in a world where truth has fallen
in the streets and honesty and integrity are not allowed a place to enter. (Isaiah 59:14)
Even among the church-goers, the
religious, and ‘Christians’, truth is no longer cherished or considered an essential
practise of life. The apostle Paul, speaking to the early church, said, ‘Do not
lie to one another; do not use deceit or pretence with each other. You put that
type of life away when you were born again and became followers of Christ
Jesus. (Colossians 3:9)
Truth, integrity, and transparency are the ingredients for a successful business venture, for a righteous community, for a clean and holy church assembly, and for a happy home.
At times, some
things need to be sorted out just with God, and at other times with the people we
have offended or deliberately deceived.
If you try to hide your sins from
God, then you are a fool, for he sees everything, hears every word that we
speak, and watches ever step that we take. To confess our sins to him and to
cease from dong them any further is to find forgiveness and mercy. It is not
enough just to own up: we must be ready and willing to stop what we are doing when we know it is wrong.
If we say we have no sin, then we
are liars and we are actually deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. (1John1:8)
If we confess our sins, God is
faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to wash us clean from all
unrighteousness. (1John 1:9)
To be honest enough to own up and
put things right is the way to recovery and a happy life, especially when we
stop doing the things that we know are wrong in our lives.
If you want to prosper and find
good success in life, then do what the Bible teaches.
Pilgrim Warrior
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