
Really blessed!

'Blessed is the person whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.'  Psalm 32:1

Well, that makes sense, but let's say it different!

'Most happy and thrilled is the person whose crime of breaking God's laws has been written off, discharged from them, and pardoned. Happy and amazed is the person whose sins against God have been forgiven and covered (blotted out) forever, never to be brought up against them anymore.' 

Notice that the person who the writer declares as 'blessed' is a sinner and a rebellious creature. This is not spoken about some holier-than-thou religious person, but of a wretched and unworthy dirty sinner.

To such a one who knows the rottenness of their own sin and unrighteousness, this blessedness of having their sins removed and put away is truly incredible and wonderful! It is utterly undeserved, but is given freely to whoever calls on the name of the Lord for salvation.

It makes them want to shout and jump for joy! They have been favoured and lifted up beyond any expectations! Only those who know their sins forgiven know the thrill of such an awesome experience.

Anyone who turns to Jesus Christ for this great gift will discover that he is ready to listen, and through his blood he washes away our sin and guilt, and makes us holy in his sight. 

It is not through 'turning over a new leaf', or trying to be better, but simply by looking to Jesus and believing that he alone can forgive sins and make us righteous. 

And the minute we do that is the moment we are saved from our own folly, misery, and guilt, and discover the true joy and freedom of the soul.

You cannot buy this 'blessed' condition, neither can you earn it or get it from the priest, and you do not get it by trying to be good.

'Look unto me, and be saved: for I am God, and there is no one else to go to.'  (Isaiah 45:22)

The greatest happiness in the world is to know that I am right with God.

Come to Jesus. Lay down your sin at the cross. Walk forward into an amazing new life with God your creator and saviour.

Pilgrim Warrior

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