
Follow the commands

‘Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins.’  (Acts 2:38)

So, lets say it different!

Repent: Turn around. Change your mind, and face the truth of what God is saying to us.

And get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

Both of these are commands. The people who Peter was speaking to in this passage were struck to the heart because they came to understand that they were wrong, and they needed to get right with God. That is where the call to repent comes in. 

Repent means, 'to have a change of mind'. If we will change our minds, and listen to what God says, then God will change our hearts.

Baptism is an outward confession of what is going on inside our hearts. It is declaring that we do indeed repent of our sin and are ready to follow Christ the rest of our lives.

The disciples of Jesus always baptized in his name. It was simple and direct. That name was a real point of controversy, embarrassment, and would declare you to be follower of the Son of God. Jesus is the name that is above all names, but it is also the name that devils and men hate.

This is not a ‘religious’ ritual, but far, far, more. It is signing your life over to the call of God, and the outward profession of being a follower of Jesus.

Most churches baptize in ‘the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost’. The disciples only baptized in the name of Jesus. They commanded that people be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ; for Jesus is the name above every name throughout the universe and heaven.

I believe that we need to come back to this in an age where his name is continually despised and blasphemed. People, (even some church-goers), don’t mind speaking about God; but just mention Jesus, and the heads drop in embarrassment!

Baptism is a picture of death and burial to the old life, and rising again into the new resurrection life in God through Jesus. It was also such a challenge, that only those who were ready to repent would consider it. Therefore the verse tells us to repent (change our minds - turn and face up to what God says), and be baptized for the remission (forgiveness) of our sin.

If you want to be forgiven and saved for eternity, then repent, and get baptized.

The act of baptism does not remove sin, but faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus leads us to do what God says. It is this act of obedience that we prove our faith and rejoice in the God-imparted knowledge that our sins are forgiven for Christ's sake - because he shed his blood for the pardon of all our sin. 

It is in both these actions that we nail our colours to the mast; and what we purpose in our hearts is now endorsed through our obedience of faith. So, being baptized ‘for the forgiveness of sins’, follows the words of Jesus, ‘If you love me, keep my commands.’  (John14:15)

You may have been baptized or christened as a child, but that is not the baptism that is being spoken of here. You knew nothing of what it really meant back then, and it was simply a church ritual. You may have been baptized as an adult, but have never truly repented or been born again. You need to turn and face God, and be baptized with understanding of what it really means.

Ask whoever is baptizing you to baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ. They will most likely object because it is not their wish or habit, so go find someone who will follow the Apostle's teaching.

If you want to know more, then you can read my other notes: 

PilgrimWarrior: Were you baptized the New Testament way?


Pilgrim Warrior


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