
Light in the darkness

We read in John 1:9, 'He (Jesus) was the true Light, which lights every person who comes into the world.'

I often wondered quite what that meant. I understood that he is the source of light and life, and which to some degree, we all know something of; but then, a few years ago, I discovered something amazing!

The Bible speaks of Jesus as the Light. It then speaks of how he gives the light of life to every baby that is ever conceived. Without him, there is no life whatsoever.

A candle cannot self-ignite anymore than a match might burst into flame unless you strike it. So indeed, the miracle of every human life requires the input of God to in order to create it in the first place.

According to a study published in Scientific Reports, a beautiful firework display occurs in the darkness when a human egg is activated at the point of conception. The intensity of the sparks, scientists say, indicates the egg's potential to develop into a healthy embryo. 

So, after some 2,000+ years, we find the Bible right on target yet again. Life begins at the point of conception, and is heralded with an amazing light-show. God knew that long before any scientist had ever seen it. 

You are not an accident or chance of nature, but purposed and designed to know your Creator. We are conceived in darkness, born into darkness, and it still requires the Light of Life to make us a living soul.

In spite of our determination to refuse the One who made us, God loves us still and is calling us to turn back to him. Only he can bring light into our current darkness.

Pilgrim Warrior

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