
Who is in your boat?

'Then they willingly received him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went.'  John 6:21

Say it different!

'Then they most happily received Jesus into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the place they were trying so hard to get to.'

The disciples headed out one night in a boat onto a calm sea, but before long a tempest arose and a storm began to batter the ship. As if that was not enough, they see a man walking on the waves towards them, and fear took a hold of them not knowing quite what was going on.

Fishermen and most sea-goers tend to be most superstitious and look for signs in the skies and in all of nature as being omens of evil, or promises of good fortune.

These men had been struggling with all of their strength and determination to keep the boat afloat and heading in the right direction toward their desired destiny. The night wore on slowly, and the wretched weather continued unabated.

They saw Jesus walking toward them on the water. They thought it must be a spectre, but Peter shouted out, "Is that you Jesus?"

Then they welcomed Jesus into the ship, and immediately they were exactly where they had been trying to go. No more struggles; no more fighting a storm; no more feeling sick and tired, batting with the troubling waves and daunting rain.

So it is in life, especially when we know where we want to go, achieve what we have believed to be possible, get to the place where our hopes and dreams become a reality.

Storms arise all of a sudden and threaten to destroy all of our ambitions and expectations. The waves of discouragement drown out any ideas of success and prospering in our plans. The turbulence of disappointments seems to create the illusion of defeat and lost promises.

Jesus walks on top of the waves of our troubles, just waiting to be invited into the ship.

The moment he is given place in the boat by us, we get to where we wanted and needed to be.

When Christ is welcome into your boat, then miracles and grace find place also.


Pilgrim Warrior

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