
How to pray

 How to pray

What is prayer anyway?

Prayer is coming before the Creator of the world who has revealed himself in the Person of Jesus Christ, and having a conversation with him. He knows all about us and everything we are, so we come just as we are, transparent in his sight, with an honest and open heart before him. 

Being honest with God is the surest way to know that he is going to hear us and answer our prayers.

In Isaiah chapter 1, God says, “Come, and let us reason together, [let’s have a real talk about things]: even though your sins are red like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; even though they are deep red crimson, they shall be washed clean as white as the brightest wool of a lamb.”

I put that in easier-English, but what God is saying to us is, that if we would but come to him, he knows how to sort us out no matter how bad our life may be, nor how troubled and confusing things might seem at times

In the case of the above quote, the big problem between the people and God was their sin and rebellion toward him; yet God who is gracious and merciful is calling the people back to himself, - the only One who can cure them and mend their lives. 

He is still the same today.

Now as Believers, you and I have the exclusive and full right to come to him at any time and talk things through. When no one understands us, and we have nowhere to turn to, then we find the greatest of all friends is just waiting for us to come to him and bring our needs and concerns in front of him for his help and intervention. There is no special language required, but we come in deepest reverence and humble heart to present our petitions before the Lord.

Like the old hymn says,

What a friend we have in Jesus,

All our sins and griefs to bare;

What a privilege to carry

Everything to God in prayer.

O what peace we often forfeit,

O what needless pains we bare,

All because we do not carry

Everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations?

Is there trouble anywhere?

We should never be discouraged,

Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Can we find a friend so faithful

Who will all our sorrows share?

Jesus knows our every weakness,

So take it to the Lord in prayer.

Read the Gospel of John, chapters 15 and 16, and see what the Lord says about prayer ( - Easier English Gospel of John).

We come to our Father and God in the name above every name - the name of Jesus. Billy Graham (the world-famous preacher) always began his prayer with "Our Father and our God.....", and concluded it with, " the name of Jesus."

But prayer is more than just asking God for help in times of trouble. Prayer is a continual walk with God that expresses everything in our hearts, including our thankfulness for all that he has done for us, every answered prayer, the food we eat, the health we have, the friends and relatives that are dear to us. Thankfulness is a so-special part of beginning our prayer. Psalm 100 tells us to, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving; enter His courts with praise!” (Psalm 11:4)

We should come boldly into the presence of God (through the gateway of the name of Jesus, and enter into his heavenly and amazing courtyards with thankfulness and joy for how great our God truly is).

Hebrews 4:16 says, ‘Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain (receive, get hold of) mercy, and find grace (all the goodness and benefits of Christ) in times of need.’

We come to God in the name of Jesus. Our Father in heaven made a way for us through Jesus to know him and approach him in confidence and absolute assurance, knowing that we are accepted by him, loved by him, right with him, and always welcomed into his heavenly courtyards for a talk, or just to sit down quietly with him and enjoy his company.

That is why I have spent many an hour walking across the fields or up the streets even, just to be alone with him, to hear what he wants to impart to me, and to talk to him as the very best Father one could ever dream of: to share the deepest feelings, emotions, and secrets of my heart that nobody in this world has any right to know.

Such a time was always spoken of as having a 'quiet time' with God, where our mobiles are put to silence or even left at home, and nobody has any right to interfere is this most special and important time of being with God every day. This is the source of power, peace, and assurance that few ‘Christian’ people know anything about.

Every Believer should set aside a time every day (especially in the morning) for their ‘quiet time’ with God. It is the spiritual breath of your life that gives you life and knowledge, and lifts you above all the noise of this world. It is a walk, or sit, or kneel and talk with God. Such close relationship with God is the place of power and peace.  It is also the very thing that the devil hates the most and the reason he works hard to hinder us from maintaining such intimacy with our Creator.

Prayer is the breath and sustaining power of the Believer’s life. The Bible is the food, the bread that nourishes and strengthens the Believer to march through this world with knowledge, understanding, and the certainty that God is with them to overcome, and to be an instrument for good and blessing: to shine with the goodness of Jesus to all they come into contact with.

The Holy Spirit is given to us to equip us with everything we need, to be effectual in all that we do, to bring the message of Jesus with power and conviction to our world, to be the source within us of life-giving spiritual rivers that will flow out of us from deep within and bring life and light, healing and hope, divine wisdom and knowledge into a world full of darkness and fear. (John 7:38: Acts 1:8)

Jesus said, ‘You shall receive power (Greek original word: ‘Dunamis’, from where we get our word ‘dynamite’!), after the Holy Ghost has come down upon you, and you shall be witnesses (the living proof) of me wherever you go.’

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How to pray

  How to pray What is prayer anyway? Prayer is coming before the Creator of the world who has revealed himself in the Person of Jesus Christ...