
What is 'born again'?

Hi there. This growing set of notes are here to help you understand what the Bible really says, and to put it into plain English so that you can tell others as well. 

My idea is to take just a verse or so, and say it different. (OK, 'differently'!)

Read one every day.

So here goes the first one:'

'Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.' John chapter 3:3

So, lets put that in other words:

'This is most true: unless you are born a second time, you can never see God's kingdom, let alone get into it.'

There are two kingdoms in this world. One is a kingdom of evil and darkness, the other a kingdom of light and truth. The two are opposed to each other, and every one of us live in one or the other.

You and I were born into the kingdom of darkness at our natural birth. For us to ever get free, and enter the kingdom of light, we need to be born again. That is something that can only happen in a spiritual realm. 

So, unless I am born again, I cannot see the invisible but awesome kingdom of God that is everywhere around me. My natural eye and intellect cannot perceive it.

It is not about becoming religious or joining a church. It is very personal and individual. Actually, many of the people going to church are still in the kingdom of darkness.

But this is something supernatural and transforming.

The 'Matrix' film sort of describes it in a different way. When 'Neo' was challenged and given the choice of two pills to swallow, he was offered the choice to stay in ignorance (the blue pill), or dare to believe that there was more to life than the life he supposedly lived (the red pill). 

You can never understand or see what and where God's kingdom is, unless you have a second birth.

It takes faith to enter this kingdom of light, and that faith is a gift that turns up when someone hears the truth of what the Bible says. Jesus said, 'I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life'.  That says it all really!  But you cannot create such faith through your emotion or mind. You have to ask God for that faith. Then you can see beyond what you can see, and believe in what you have not believed before. 

Swallowing the 'pill' of faith opens the eyes.

At that moment, when faith happens, the door to God's kingdom is revealed to you, and you can enter this glorious and amazing experience. At the same time as this happens, God imparts a new spirit within you which changes your nature and understanding. 

You realize that you were blind, but now you suddenly see the truth, and you are born into God's family to become his child. That is a radical and life-changing experience. 

You will never be the same again.

This is just the beginning of an amazing adventure with God, which will lead you into all truth, and to your destiny of heaven itself.

Ask God that you might be born again and have a new start in life.

I hope and pray that this enlightens and opens someone's eyes.


Really blessed!

'Blessed is the person whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.'  Psalm 32:1

Well, that makes sense, but let's say it different!

'Most happy and thrilled is the person whose crime of breaking God's laws has been written off, discharged from them, and pardoned. Happy and amazed is the person whose sins against God have been forgiven and covered (blotted out) forever, never to be brought up against them anymore.' 

Notice that the person who the writer declares as 'blessed' is a sinner and a rebellious creature. This is not spoken about some holier-than-thou religious person, but of a wretched and unworthy dirty sinner.

To such a one who knows the rottenness of their own sin and unrighteousness, this blessedness of having their sins removed and put away is truly incredible and wonderful! It is utterly undeserved, but is given freely to whoever calls on the name of the Lord for salvation.

It makes them want to shout and jump for joy! They have been favoured and lifted up beyond any expectations! Only those who know their sins forgiven know the thrill of such an awesome experience.

Anyone who turns to Jesus Christ for this great gift will discover that he is ready to listen, and through his blood he washes away our sin and guilt, and makes us holy in his sight. 

It is not through 'turning over a new leaf', or trying to be better, but simply by looking to Jesus and believing that he alone can forgive sins and make us righteous. 

And the minute we do that is the moment we are saved from our own folly, misery, and guilt, and discover the true joy and freedom of the soul.

You cannot buy this 'blessed' condition, neither can you earn it or get it from the priest, and you do not get it by trying to be good.

'Look unto me, and be saved: for I am God, and there is no one else to go to.'  (Isaiah 45:22)

The greatest happiness in the world is to know that I am right with God.

Come to Jesus. Lay down your sin at the cross. Walk forward into an amazing new life with God your creator and saviour.

Pilgrim Warrior


The freedom that faith brings

‘Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God.’
 (Romans 5:1)

This is one of the most important verses in our history.

This little phrase, ‘Justified by faith’, turned the world upside down. It brought a Reformation to England and Europe.

The Roman Catholic religion was dominant throughout the nations, with priests and pontiffs barking their orders and demanding submission and obedience to the hierarchy of the church. The priests claimed that they held superior knowledge, and the Pope declared himself to be God’s infallible voice on earth. 

Nothing has changed as far as those things are concerned. 

If you wanted your sins forgiven and to have a right standing in the church, or with God, they told you that you must confess your sins to a priest and pay whatever penances he decided. The more good things you did, the better chance you would get to going to heaven. 

And millions of people all over the world are still slaves to the same system today.

The short but powerful text above would counter-act all the false teaching of such religious nonsense, and bring about a freedom from superstition and slavery that dominated society. People were in fear of the priesthood and terrified of ‘excommunication’ (being thrown out of the church and banished to hell).

Then the real preachers came, and declared that a person can know Christ Jesus, be forgiven all of their sins and guaranteed eternal life, without the need for any priest or pope. They stated that a person could be right with God simply by believing what the Bible says.

They could be justified (just-as-if-I’d never sinned) simply by believing the words of John 3:16.

No need to go to a priest for prayer. Simply talk to the Saviour of the world. No need to ever bow to any idol, Madonna, crucifix, or religious figure. We need bow to the Lord God only.

How can a man or woman have peace with God?

Simply by faith!  Anything added on is a lie and a man-made hindrance to freedom, designed to create unholy control over your life.

The Bible teaches that Christ died for my sin and rose again for my salvation. 

It is this faith that saves me, not the church or its rituals. 

That was always the simple truth that the Scriptures teach. It frees us from the bondage of slavery from a system and religious institution that demands your obedience and subservience.

Being justified only by faith, we have peace with God. Anything more is a false doctrine that will keep you from the full blessing of God’s free salvation. ‘You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’ 

That truth was not Peter, neither Mary. Both died and are awaiting the day of resurrection. Jesus said, “I am the truth”. 

And he proved it by rising from the dead, and he is alive forever more.

Religion has not changed its shape or its tricks in all these centuries, using ignorance, deception, and trickery, to hide the truth and cover it with a cloak of fear. People perish from lack of knowledge and choosing to believe a lie, instead of searching out the truth for themselves.

There is only one God and Saviour. His name is Jesus. There is only one name and one go-between who gives us peace with God and a personal relationship, and his name is Jesus. (1Timothy 2:5) . 

He is not in the cathedral, the fancy church building, the idols or stain-glass windows. He is right next to you every moment of every day. He is accessible by faith; and without such faith, it is impossible to please him. (Hebrews 11:6)

'Justified by faith'  -  'Just-as-if-I'd never sinned!' - and that is how God sees me because of Jesus.

Pilgrim Warrior




Everywhere people are talking about 'global warming' and the need to change things. Electric cars, gas-free spray cans, new types of energy, and thousands of other ideas are being thrust forward as the answers to all of the things going on in our world right now.

First of all, it is not our world. We may indeed inhabit it, but it does not belong to us. Secondly, nature herself has a voice and is expressing herself most clearly. Nature is being allowed to bring its own judgment on a world that has rejected righteousness and the proper way to live.

There is a verse that speaks of the whole of creation being in pain and like a woman in labour, due to the perversion, violence, and abuses of mankind and his total rejection of the Creator's laws; which laws are there for the good of mankind.

What we are seeing and hearing is God's voice in creation giving fair warning to the human population to turn to their Creator, or suffer the consequences. 

The more we laugh and sneer at truth, the more severe the judgments that will follow. What we call 'The End of Days', is that much closer than we may think.

One of the signs of this, (which the Bible tells us will be visible and felt around the whole world), will be  the 'distress of nations'.

This week the headlines in the UK said that 60% of people here are suffering real life-changing distress following the last three years of troubles around the globe, including the enforced 'lockdowns' and the deliberately escalated war in the Ukraine. Distress is rampant across the nations with failing economies, diseases and bio weapons, violence and evil at an unprecedented level, worrying weather extremities, and no voice of hope being offered anywhere.

See what the Bible says of 2022:

'And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth there shall be distress of nations, with perplexity [the inability to deal with or understand things]; the sea and the waves roaring; people's hearts failing them out of fear, and at looking at those things which are coming upon the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken [the order of things above and all around us shall be shaken].

And then shall they see the Son of man [Jesus Christ the Son of God] coming down in a cloud with power and great glory.

And when these things begin to happen, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption [the day of your deliverance and freedom] draws near.'     (Luke 21:25-28)

'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved [delivered].' (Romans 10:9Acts 16:31)


Follow the commands

‘Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins.’  (Acts 2:38)

So, lets say it different!

Repent: Turn around. Change your mind, and face the truth of what God is saying to us.

And get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

Both of these are commands. The people who Peter was speaking to in this passage were struck to the heart because they came to understand that they were wrong, and they needed to get right with God. That is where the call to repent comes in. 

Repent means, 'to have a change of mind'. If we will change our minds, and listen to what God says, then God will change our hearts.

Baptism is an outward confession of what is going on inside our hearts. It is declaring that we do indeed repent of our sin and are ready to follow Christ the rest of our lives.

The disciples of Jesus always baptized in his name. It was simple and direct. That name was a real point of controversy, embarrassment, and would declare you to be follower of the Son of God. Jesus is the name that is above all names, but it is also the name that devils and men hate.

This is not a ‘religious’ ritual, but far, far, more. It is signing your life over to the call of God, and the outward profession of being a follower of Jesus.

Most churches baptize in ‘the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost’. The disciples only baptized in the name of Jesus. They commanded that people be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ; for Jesus is the name above every name throughout the universe and heaven.

I believe that we need to come back to this in an age where his name is continually despised and blasphemed. People, (even some church-goers), don’t mind speaking about God; but just mention Jesus, and the heads drop in embarrassment!

Baptism is a picture of death and burial to the old life, and rising again into the new resurrection life in God through Jesus. It was also such a challenge, that only those who were ready to repent would consider it. Therefore the verse tells us to repent (change our minds - turn and face up to what God says), and be baptized for the remission (forgiveness) of our sin.

If you want to be forgiven and saved for eternity, then repent, and get baptized.

The act of baptism does not remove sin, but faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus leads us to do what God says. It is this act of obedience that we prove our faith and rejoice in the God-imparted knowledge that our sins are forgiven for Christ's sake - because he shed his blood for the pardon of all our sin. 

It is in both these actions that we nail our colours to the mast; and what we purpose in our hearts is now endorsed through our obedience of faith. So, being baptized ‘for the forgiveness of sins’, follows the words of Jesus, ‘If you love me, keep my commands.’  (John14:15)

You may have been baptized or christened as a child, but that is not the baptism that is being spoken of here. You knew nothing of what it really meant back then, and it was simply a church ritual. You may have been baptized as an adult, but have never truly repented or been born again. You need to turn and face God, and be baptized with understanding of what it really means.

Ask whoever is baptizing you to baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ. They will most likely object because it is not their wish or habit, so go find someone who will follow the Apostle's teaching.

If you want to know more, then you can read my other notes: 

PilgrimWarrior: Were you baptized the New Testament way?


Pilgrim Warrior



The Unseen Guest

‘Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst.’ (Matthew 18:20)

Let’s say that different...

‘Where even just two or three of you meet together in my name, I will be right there with you.’

This is the promise of Jesus to all who follow him and believe in him. He might be the unseen guest, the silent listener, the person in the fourth chair, but he will be there.

Note however, that there is no mention of a priest, a pastor, a ‘worship group’, or an organist having to be there. He simply stated that wherever in the world just two people meet together in his name to talk about the things pertaining to God’s kingdom, or to pray, or encourage each other in the Bible’s teaching, then Jesus himself is in the same room, cave, tent, or even as you shelter in a bus stop from the rain.

You do not need anyone’s permission to come together and read the Bible, have a time of prayer, or simply to meet up because you are of the same mind. Christ is the head of his church and he is the access into God’s presence. The church is not a building, neither a denomination. The church is the people - every Believer- who belong to Christ.

The Bible says that whoever receives him as their Saviour and Lord, they are privileged to be the children of God. If this be so, then his children have full rights and access into the Father’s house and throne room. Nobody has any right to forbid them entry, nor do any have the legal authority to tell them they cannot meet with God whenever they wish to.

God had no intention for us to just sit in church every Sunday singing choruses and listening to the man on the platform telling some stories from what often is an actor’s stage. If that is all there is to our faith, then all we have is some form of religious institutionalism that has no power and no evidence of a real living God.

The church of the New Testament got filled with the Holy Spirit, and then went everywhere preaching the gospel in every house. It was not the apostles (the leaders) only who saw phenomenal growth of new converts, but the crowds of ordinary men and women who ‘went everywhere preaching the word (telling everyone about their new-found faith’. (Acts 8:4

The apostles never locked the congregation into a planned church programme where you just sat there, threw some coins into the basket, and could not meet with other members for a meeting unless the pastor gave you permission.

In my church in Wales, I was delighted whenever any of the people opened their homes to hold Bible-studies or prayer meetings. I was thrilled when individuals used their initiative and passion to go out and evangelize in their community. “I would love for God to make all of His people prophets (preachers, evangelists), and that the LORD would put his Spirit upon them!”  (Numbers11:29)

Sadly, the platform and pulpit are guarded and held aloft through fear and competitiveness. The ministry is sometimes seen as being open only to the educated and ‘qualified’; but God will take the nothings of this world, even those considered foolish, and show his glory through them. God does not need a brilliant mind; but with a humble and passionate heart, he can turn the world upside-down. (1Corinthians 1:27)

We live in a new time period now. Things have drastically changed. 

It is time to get back to New Testament Christianity, which is more about Believers meeting with Believers, rather than our modern-day practise of church-goers sitting in rows of chairs, (while secretly checking our their text messages but making out to be all religious!).

We need fire in our meetings, passion in the pulpits, and congregations of those who believe that they are called to be living witnesses for Jesus every single day of their lives.

Pilgrim warrior


Fed up and burdened with life?

‘Come unto me all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’  Matthew 11:28

Say it different.

‘Come to me all of you that are worn out with the troubles and stresses of this world, all you who are burdened with the cares and pressures of this life, and I will give you the rest you cannot find and which the world knows nothing about.'

If ever there was a message that has become both relevant and desperately needed, it is this. With the world seemingly getting worse by the day, and nothing but negative and frightening news being poured out by the media, we can sometimes find ourselves looking for a cave or a refuge to hide ourselves in.

There are multitudes of counsellors and therapists offering their varied services, and even more astrologers and mystics telling you that they know what is wrong with you and have the magic cure to put things right.

However, the great vacuum inside of all of us, and the deepest cry from within, is a spiritual matter that only God knows how to fix. And he says, ‘Come to me, and I will give you rest: not simply a physical rest, but something that goes deep into the heart, soul, and mind.

Meditation courses and yoga sessions can never fix the real need of the human heart, and yet thousands run along to their local relaxation centres or log-on to a virtual class. The Almighty God and Creator calls out to us feeble humans and says, “I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life; and without me you can do nothing except exist, chase your fleeting dreams, and leave this world without even knowing where you will be going afterwards.

Religion is a drug that guarantees nothing except superstition and rituals to help you feel a bit better. 

Faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God is about relationship and knowing God personally. It is about a new beginning, a transformed life; a truly born-again experience. It changes our citizenship from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light, and guarantees us a blood-bought eternal passport to heaven.


Pilgrim Warrior


Light in the darkness

We read in John 1:9, 'He (Jesus) was the true Light, which lights every person who comes into the world.'

I often wondered quite what that meant. I understood that he is the source of light and life, and which to some degree, we all know something of; but then, a few years ago, I discovered something amazing!

The Bible speaks of Jesus as the Light. It then speaks of how he gives the light of life to every baby that is ever conceived. Without him, there is no life whatsoever.

A candle cannot self-ignite anymore than a match might burst into flame unless you strike it. So indeed, the miracle of every human life requires the input of God to in order to create it in the first place.

According to a study published in Scientific Reports, a beautiful firework display occurs in the darkness when a human egg is activated at the point of conception. The intensity of the sparks, scientists say, indicates the egg's potential to develop into a healthy embryo. 

So, after some 2,000+ years, we find the Bible right on target yet again. Life begins at the point of conception, and is heralded with an amazing light-show. God knew that long before any scientist had ever seen it. 

You are not an accident or chance of nature, but purposed and designed to know your Creator. We are conceived in darkness, born into darkness, and it still requires the Light of Life to make us a living soul.

In spite of our determination to refuse the One who made us, God loves us still and is calling us to turn back to him. Only he can bring light into our current darkness.

Pilgrim Warrior

How to pray

  How to pray What is prayer anyway? Prayer is coming before the Creator of the world who has revealed himself in the Person of Jesus Christ...